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Scholarship Applicant Eligibility

  1. Applicant must be enrolled in a 4-year university* in AY2024-25 as UG/G; AND

  2. Applicant must be a US citizen, hold a permanent resident, or DACA status in US; AND

  3. Applicant must meet the permanent address requirement:

    • Applicant’s permanent address must be within southern California*.

    • If Applicant’s mother or grandmother is a Kyunggi alumna, her permanent  address must be within southern California*.

*  Notes:

            a.  Students from Community Colleges are encouraged to apply after they transfer to a 4-year


            b.  Southern California boundary is between San Diego and Fresno.

            c.  For F-1 visa applicant, she must be an alumna of Kyunggi Girls' High School.

            d.  In order to maximize scholarship opportunities to deserved college students, the KFSC awards

                 scholarships only once to each successful applicant. Please note that past awardees are NOT

                 eligible to re-apply.

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